It was a very special Christmas for us this year. First, Josh and I actually got to spent Christmas Day together and it was not via web cam, nor were we packing and getting ready for his imminent departure to Afghanistan. Also, it was our first family Christmas in our very own home. Since it was truly our first Christmas together, my family came to our house this year. We had a great time together and I wanted to share some of the pictures with you...
My Mum bought us each a 'Marshmallow Gun' - we had a blast!
Charlie did not have much fun! As with everything else, he was scared of the flying marshmallows, but he found comfort on Grandma's lap:)
We agreed to have a "small" Christmas!
It was so great to have my family with us on Christmas morning
I cooked my very first Christmas Dinner - it was delicious!
Even Charlie and Angus got into the Christmas spirit:)

It was truly a magical Christmas!
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